Thursday, December 20, 2018


The Trust Walk Activity is an effective team building activity involving leadership and building trust, as blindfolded participants must rely on instructions given to them in order to avoid various obstacles.

In this PPD session our madam comes up with a new game called Trust Walk. It has two rounds and we were asked to form a group as couple. 

Round One

In this round one of the member from the couple wants to play as a listener and he/she wants to cover the eyes and the other person play as an instructor and he/she wants to give instructions. The toughest thing was we had to manage the stair cases and also our madam put white board markers on the path. If the instructor didn't instruct well or the listener didn't listen carefully then surely the blind person will fall off. So we wants to manage those stuffs and finally the blind person wants to reach the final destination and tap a brick.

Round Two

In this round the listener and the instructor wants to interchange their roles and the same thing happened with some small changes. Now we had to tap on two concrete blocks and the brick. Almost all the groups successfully finished the 1st round but in the 2nd round some groups forgot to tap on the brick after tapping he concrete blocks. 

This task is designed to let us feel what it feels like to be trusted, as well as what it feels like to have trust in someone else.

This task is associated with the following Student Learning Outcomes:
  • analyze the role of the individual as both a sender and receiver in the communication process.
  1. analyze the impact of perception in effective interpersonal communication. 
  2. demonstrate and evaluate the use and effect of verbal and nonverbal symbols in interpersonal communication.
  • differentiate the various factors involved in communication that enhance or restrict communication effectiveness in relational systems.
  1. apply appropriate listening styles and assess the importance of effective listening in producing satisfying interpersonal relationships.
  2. contrast factors that contribute to supportive and defensive communication climates and incorporate supportive communication behaviors.
  3. evaluate the role of ethical standards on interpersonal communication and the impact of various relational challenges.